De 1e beta van de Strike Force UT mod (net zoiets als HL Counterstrike, check Strike Force features.) zou gisteren worden gereleased, maar is op het laatste moment toch tegengehouden. Een officiele statement luidt:"We are placing Strike Force on hold until we have time to fix the problems we ran into during the initial release. We thought we had everything covered but without a proper beta team we were not able to find every bug. So at this point we will be using the people that already downloaded the first release, they will report bugs and we will fix everything and release a working version soon. The entire team apologizes for the problems and we will continue to work hard until they are fixed. We want to make Strike Force one of the best TC's there is and this release simply does not reflect what we can do. More to come soon......" Meer informatie is te vinden op de officiele Strike Force UT homepage.