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 Is there going to be any Battlefield compo?

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Homer Posted - 07-02-2012 : 23:51:00
Hey, I was just wondering if there is going to be any Battlefield compos?

Would be nice if there's a BF3 compo or even the older games r nice too ^^

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Homer Posted - 25-02-2012 : 02:49:15
well me and Spacecabbie both have our own BF3 servers... we could use that for drome if thats possible
Ins0mnia Posted - 22-02-2012 : 13:47:20
Arfman Posted - 20-02-2012 : 16:50:11
Unfortunately, the tendency of new games is to ditch LAN support. BF3 (no dedicated servers available to the general public) and MW2/3 spring to mind. So we are either "stuck" with old games like MW (which are becoming increasingly difficult to run on modern OS-es) or forced to find new games with LAN support, but with a smaller playerbase (like BLUR).
BGRick Posted - 14-02-2012 : 17:41:47
MW3 is fine, for like 5 days on the pc and then its getting bored...
My brother got it on the x360 and he still can enjoy it ;p

But please: COD4 AGAIN THIS YEAR ^^
Homer Posted - 12-02-2012 : 22:32:48
Originally posted by johnfremco

Originally posted by S7YX

Originally posted by johnfremco

Modern Warfare 3 compo :)

u serious?

Yeah, iam serious.
Scared to get have fun with the game or scared of getting owned

Im not scared its just that MW3 is horrible on PC, on xbox it works.... but on pc its boring
SpaceCabbie Posted - 12-02-2012 : 10:23:34
Originally posted by Homer

Originally posted by johnfremco

Modern Warfare 3 compo :)

sounds like a horrible idea

SpaceCabbie BF1 was called BF1942 and that is one of the most brilliant games ever made, but the problem is that windows 7 doesnt want to run it :(

i hate EA. but at drome we are creative i am sure we will find a way.
johnfremco Posted - 12-02-2012 : 01:15:40
Originally posted by S7YX

Originally posted by johnfremco

Modern Warfare 3 compo :)

u serious?

Yeah, iam serious.
Scared to get have fun with the game or scared of getting owned
Homer Posted - 11-02-2012 : 20:38:32
Originally posted by johnfremco

Modern Warfare 3 compo :)

sounds like a horrible idea

SpaceCabbie BF1 was called BF1942 and that is one of the most brilliant games ever made, but the problem is that windows 7 doesnt want to run it :(
S7YX Posted - 11-02-2012 : 00:39:57
Originally posted by johnfremco

Modern Warfare 3 compo :)

u serious?
Ins0mnia Posted - 10-02-2012 : 23:55:41
JAaa Duke 3D, Quake, Quake 2, Red Alert.. helaas kan Dune 2 niet in mplay.
johnfremco Posted - 10-02-2012 : 23:18:20
Modern Warfare 3 compo :)
SpaceCabbie Posted - 10-02-2012 : 17:24:14
laten we dan echt retro gaan en een duke 3d compo of dune 2 of red alert of battlefield 1 ?
Ins0mnia Posted - 10-02-2012 : 11:59:08
Hmms, I could bring my old consoles for Mario Kart 64, GoldenEye Compos... or maybe the NES, SNES or GameCube ;-) Would be fun to have some retro compos again!
zFurious Posted - 10-02-2012 : 11:41:46
Just make fun compo's!

Something like crash, guitar hero, and some bar compo's xD
Ins0mnia Posted - 09-02-2012 : 18:42:00
quaaaaaaaaaaaaake 2 compo aub
Homer Posted - 08-02-2012 : 22:12:03
Originally posted by Xantip

Ow noes... not the thong!

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