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T O P I C    R E V I E W
Leech Posted - 21-02-2008 : 15:48:40
Hi folks,

i was at the 13th Drome and it was awesome. Finally it was the last Drome, so i want to ask if there are other huge LAN parties (>500) in Holland.
Cause i want to combine my next Holland hollidays with a LAN party like i did in 2006.

thx for answers :)
2   L A T E S T    R E P L I E S    (Newest First)
SpaceCabbie Posted - 21-10-2009 : 12:40:09
what ^ he said :)
AK47 Posted - 22-02-2008 : 11:51:52
There are just a few large LAN-parties left in the Netherlands:

- The Party ( - 1000 people in Eindhoven @ April 2008)
- Campzone ( - 1500 people OUTDOOR in Oirschot @ July 2008)
- Regroup ( - 450 people in Hardenberg @ June 2008 - Last one! :()
- The Reality ( - 600 people in Drachten @ March 2008)

The LAN-scene in the Netherlands is not doing that great, since 2006:

- Drome held their last event
- Netgamez went bankrupt
- Regroup announced they are going stop :: Forum © Drome Go To Top Of Page
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